Short Story | Kory Goes Back to School

Once upon a time, in a cozy city called Washington DC, lived a curious and friendly child named Kory. As the warm days of summer slowly waned, Kory found themselves sitting under the shade of their favorite tree, gazing up at the blue sky with a heart full of memories from Sidwell Summer.


Kory had spent the past few weeks at Sidwell Summer, making new friends, learning new things, and having endless fun. They had roamed the grounds of campus, climbed jungle gyms, played Gaga Ball, and enjoyed waterplay as they bonded with peers and counselors alike. But now, as the end of summer drew near, Kory couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.


Their mind wandered to the year ahead—a new school year was about to begin. Kory remembered their friends from the school year, and how excited they were to see them again. They also thought about the new friends they had made at camp and wondered if they would cross paths during the school year. It was a bittersweet feeling, saying goodbye to summer's freedom while eagerly anticipating the new adventures that awaited them.


As Kory sat there, lost in thought, a gentle breeze rustled the leaves above, bringing with it a sense of calm. They closed their eyes and let their imagination paint a picture of their upcoming school days. Kory wondered who would be in their class this year—would their best friend from last year still be there? And what about the new friends they had made? Would they all be in the same classroom?


Their thoughts drifted to the teachers. Kory wondered what their new teacher would be like. Would they be as kind and funny as their teacher from last year? Kory hoped they would because having a teacher who made learning exciting was like finding a treasure.


Thinking about classes, Kory's mind wandered to P.E. They remembered how much fun they had during AM Soccer Camp. The thrill of running across the field, scoring goals, and laughing with friends was something they hoped to experience again. Kory couldn't help but wonder if P.E. class would be as enjoyable as Soccer Camp.


With a contented sigh, Kory opened their eyes and looked around. The tree they sat under seemed to whisper comforting words, reminding them that while summer was ending, the beauty of change and new beginnings lay just ahead. Kory realized that just like the seasons, life moved in cycles, each phase bringing its own adventures and lessons.


As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow across the sky, Kory stood up with a newfound sense of excitement. They decided that even though summer camp was over, the memories they had made and the friendships they had formed would always be with them. And as they headed home, Kory felt ready to embrace the new school year, eager to reunite with old friends and make new ones, and to discover the surprises that awaited them in the classroom and on the playground.


And so, Kory's heart brimmed with hope, curiosity, and a touch of nostalgia as they looked forward to the mysteries and magic of the year ahead.



To our Sidwell Summer campers, we are thinking of YOU as you begin the new school year. We hope you embrace new experiences and always remember to pull from the confidence we saw you exude this past summer with us. We know you will be on the lookout for a friend who needs encouragement, helping them to be brave, even when they're nervous.

We can't wait to hear how well you do this academic year.  

About the author

Sidwell Summer