As an adult, do you ever look at all the camp options and think how cool it would be to be a kid again!? While some middle school students might think they have outgrown summer camp, here is a list of all the amazing reasons why a Sidwell Summer experience for students in rising grades 5-9 is still very cool!
Is your child ready to change the world? Do they debate social issues and current events at the dinner table and are ready to take action? Do they want to collaborate with peers and inspiring adults and mentors as they learn important life skills such as teamwork, research, how to react to simulations and quick challenges?
The Sidwell Summer Equity and Justice Institute (SEJI) is a series of weekly sessions designed to engage students in their examination of what defines leadership in the 21st century. Inspiring ethical leadership is a hallmark of the Sidwell Friends education. The sessions provide opportunities for students in rising grades 6-12 to explore the rewards and challenges of serving the common good, framed with a different topic every week. Participants will learn skills and tools to help them work on social justice causes and look at the interconnectedness of critical issues facing our world today and in the future. Individual and group projects, guest speakers, simulations, and interactive games allow participants to engage and collaborate with each other as they dive deeper into each topic.
STEP Workshop Offerings
Is your middle school student looking for an enrichment program that provides opportunities to explore a number of different topics and workshops? The Sidwell Summer STudies Enrichment Program (STEP) offers students entering Grades 6-9 the chance to keep their academic skills fresh and further develop foundational skills (writing, math, critical thinking, etc.), while exploring new and fun interests and topics in one-week sessions! Campers are taught by dynamic teachers, including school-year Sidwell Friends School instructors, and supported by counselors who share campers’ passion for learning. During each week, participants will attend four workshops, which they will select at the time of registration. Two workshops will meet daily in the mornings for 75 minutes each, and two workshops will meet daily in the afternoons for 55 minutes each. Sessions are offered July 8 - August 2 - check out the workshops in the graphic above and see the website for descriptions.
In addition to STEP, the following Summer Studies courses are offered
Sidwell Summer Specialty Sports offerings are a great time to try a new sport, meet Sidwell coaches and classmates, work on skills and have fun! The following sports are available this summer:
Sidwell Varsity Soccer Coach Ibra Toure
For our entrepreneurial friends looking to develop new skills, the SPARK Business Academy workshops provide hands-on activities and gamification techniques for participants to develop essential 21st century skills. In all programs, participants will develop financial skills along with soft skills in communication, collaboration and public speaking, all while becoming business savvy! Most programs culminate with a showcase event each Friday that allows campers to present and learn from their peers. SPARK has been offering empowering youth programs on financial literacy and entrepreneurship since 2013. The skills-based programs help campers develop essential life skills and have received glowing parent testimonials. SPARK's unique programs have been featured in Business Week, Bloomberg TV, Georgetown Business and international newspapers.*Participants must be enrolled in an AM Only program in order to participate in the PM Only program.
For those looking to explore their creative side the The Handwork Studios provides an amazing array of studios from Culinary Arts, Fashion & Machine Sewing, Woodworking, and Soap Box Derby! Check out the offerings by each topic:
Art & Lit: Dungeons & Dragons: Write, Build & Create (Grades 4-8)
Culinary Arts (Grades 4-8)
Design & Build (Grades 4-6)
Mixed Media (Grades 4-8) Artpreneurs: Fiber Arts
Woodworking (Grades 5-8)
Sidwell Summer also offers a CIT program (rising 9th graders) The Counselor In Training (CIT) Program is a hands-on leadership program designed for high school students looking to gain professional experiences through working with young children and adults. There are 3 CIT Programs to choose from - Sports, Discovery Day Camp and The Handwork studios.
We also offer a Summer Sponsorship Fund for those that may need financial assistance in attending. Please see sponsorship details and the application here (please apply for Sponsorship by 3/15 for best availability).
We hope you will include Sidwell Summer in your 2024 Summer plans! Please reach out to our team at 202-537-8133 or with any questions.